Thursday, March 10, 2011

stickin and stabbing in Kansas

I never thought that would be in a hospital setting selling my body for the sake of money and pharmaceutical advancement. But when your young they feed you that line of shit where you could become the president and save all the broken kittens. Life is poor, I am poor, this is it. oh and the scars on my arms are not do to any drug addiction but from a long voyage to find employment.

Now come with me and see the travels of me.

I am 28 year of age with a red Irish face I get from my lovely mother and fairly negative outlook on life and the universe. You see I can not locate that ship that has been searching for me. I believe in anthropology and fashion as good indicators of social-economics.

I recently got a perm do you think it will come back in fashion? Or will I will accept the the social implications?