I want to meet this country in all of its' glory..... I am hopping on the Grey Hound April 3, 2014 and heading to LA. I am guessing most people taking the Grey Hound across country are not doing it for the sake of the ride but my trip is intended for that purpose.
I am a lucky lady and have friends that I can stay with to shower and visit with over my 11 day voyage to LA---Portland---Seattle---St. Louis. I hope this trip is the beginning of inspiration on several fronts. I am hoping through tolerance that I gain an appreciation for the under thought of poor traveling through the night to jobs or to find their place of home with family. I am also desperately seeking acceptance among the people that I feel I belong.
I have had three different people offer to help me buy a plane ticket out to LA for my friend's wedding which makes me 100% luckier than the majority of the people that will be on that bus for the 40 hours it takes to get to Los Angelas. But honestly, I can not afford the $400+ it cost to fly on a plane to California and as a low income earner I have more time than money. My time cost less than other people's time. (I do not make much per hour)
Thus the Journey.....