Friday, December 2, 2011

The End of a Telemarketer's Money Rolls

So the job ended.  My fast talking newspaper slinging ways ended that summer due to my neglect in coming into work.  My house had apparently burnt down that summer and we temporarily moved across town.  My job location was no longer on the way to the grocery or the bank.  No ride, no job--it was piss.
But I was resilient, the job market was still mine for the taking.  I was going to be the best at something?  I had to wait till we found a better place to live for the school year before the hunt could actually continue.  We stayed in a hotel room which was absurd for that large of a family then we moved to a trailer in neighboring town for a few weeks.  The trailer was actually kind of nice.  Living in a wide hallway is kind of fun.  You just stack your shit up the side walls and live in the center.  (this is my current living situation).
The trailer was just a temporary fix though.  My mother soon found a small cottage house in down town Belleville that was really her dream home.  There was an entire room filled with ceramic dolls and plush light blue carpet and a fancy couch.  The desk drawers all had papers and stuff in them from the owner of the house.  It was like living in a strangers house for a few months while our old home got rebuilt from the fire damage.  The landlord lady would come in sometime unexpectedly with her key as if she had a right to our paid for space. I think this was the beginning of my dislike for the landlords. 

And honestly the term landlord makes me want to barf. The Lord of land, the entitled land owner is a lord?  It is weird! There must be a better word for people with extra space than lord.

Well my next job was at Jack in the Box.  It was a legacy. Two of my older siblings had worked at the box and now it was my turn be the best drive through attendant possible.  Burgers and French Fries!

1 comment:

  1. I remember that house. Your brother tried to kill me in it.

    Also, landlord does suggest a certain kind of subservience that I too am uncomfortable with. How about "Person who is required to listen to my complain about my neighbors"?
