Thursday, April 3, 2014

When drivers change for the worse

Well, Salina Kansas seemed like a nice stop.  We were mostly on time until the old bus could not properly lift the gentle man in the wheel chair.  He was almost though the door when it became clear that the devise would not work properly and if we could manage to get him on we might not be so lucky in getting him off...which would really be horrible as the ride so far had been so stinky.  I am not sure how that man was getting to his destination but it was not gonna happen on our buss.

The wheel chair incident set us back 40 minutes and I guess the jolly good driver did not clearly inform the next stop of the situation.  Hays, KS we stopped in a dark parking lot I could not tell if there was a quick stop or a laundromat for the parking lot but it was certainly rural and needed a buss out.  A nice Asian man was to be the substitute driver as the intended driver had not yet shown up and most of the folks on the buss had connections to make in Denver, CO. We later learned that the new driver had never driven to CO before and had only been working with the buss line for two weeks...Oh and did not have a route slip for all the stops and was using his phone navigation to guide to our destination. I was appreciative of his courage but some how the majority of the rest of the buss were very huffy about the situation.

I found out as we drove into the night that my new seat companion was a Grandma that makes the buss trip twice a month from Denver to spend time with some  grand babies that live in Wichita.  She was a lovely woman I'm guessing in her 50's but could have easily been older.  She worn three coats in April in Kansas.  The outer layer coat was a lovely faux leopard fur coat with matching fez style hat. It was nice to be sitting by a lady of her own fashion.  A very sweet woman who has a low tolerance for the back of the buss hootin' and hollerin'. I was devoted to my book and successful at blocking out the loudness and disrespect.

I had over heard two other ladies that were on voyages to visit grand children. I had not expected the Grey Hound to actually be a considered form of transport for older woman travelling alone.  The Grey hound seems to be the mostly traveled by independent passengers waiting for the seat mates and hoping for the best.  I have mostly been lucky so far on the seat mates only one person I wished could have smelled a little nicer.  Soon I will also wish that I smelt a little nicer though as I will be on the buss for over two days with no shower and steadily fermenting in a steal box...yum

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