Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Some Beautiful Shit Be happenin"

The real champions of the economy have been out propagating around town.  I have seen the idols of my past that should have been vividly described in all fifth-grade essays.  I found my self as a fresh 12 year old unable to choose an ample person to look up to and write about when presented the daunting task of writing about my idol in 5 paragraph form.  I always chose Abraham Lincoln because he wasn't a racist and thought of the poor. The excitement of actually seeing the people I should have been writing about is overwhelming!  It was kind-of like seeing a famous person-if you are into that.

specimen# 1....Man riding his bike. This champion of nature was hauling up a hill faster than the Tour De France. The sheer power in his legs is enough to put him on the idol list.  But this man had a driven economic purpose.  He was hauling two huge bags of crushed aluminum cans.  I am not sure how he had them fixed to his body, but it was masterfully placed.  There was very little bobbing and shaking.  This man had the ingenuity and power to collect, crush and transport some prime recycling.  This man should be employed by the city to beautiful and repurpose the trash of the less ideal.

specimen# 2 ...Woman looking good.  She was outside the Del-Taco.  She was wearing a green pastel printed tee-shirt.  This woman was giving out free performance art of the most joyful kind.  Not the type of situation where you feel traped and obligated to participate with horrible undertones of pretension.  There was no thin white guy trying to make you clap or sing akwardly for the purpose of his own self indulgence.  I am talking about pure beautiful joy being belted out at an intersection in a red brick filled city by a sweet taco joint.  This woman had the thighs shaking and and the vocals vibrating.  There were the large style earphones on her head givin' the good guidance.  This is the type of performances that need to be occurring.  The type that make you feel good and a little bit guilty for being in your lame-ass vehicle viewing the world through some tempered glass.

I have more champions of the city that I have seen in the last week feeling the ides of spring.  These folk are the real powerhouse behind America and give me the feeling that maybe the dream isn't dead but has just changed.


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